Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dear President Obama: Since the CBO says this recession will end this year without a bailout....

... why are you doing this to us?

Gateway Pundit has the low-down on your low down effort to bury us in debt.

Now, we're DEFINITELY caught in a bit of a conundrum.

On one hand, you're telling us the world is going to end if this massive payoff doesn't move forward.
President Obama then warned, "if we don't move swiftly to put this plan in
motion, our economic crisis could become a national catastrophe. Millions of
Americans will lose their jobs, their homes, and their health care. Millions
more will have to put their dreams on hold."
My concern with everything you do is that your arrogance and ignorance will combine to do much, much more than "put our dreams on hold." My fear is that your grandiose sense of self-importance will destroy us all.

And now, we have the democrat-controlled Congressional Budget office telling us that not only is your bogus waste of money completely unnecessary,
CBO anticipates that the current recession, which started in December 2007,
will last until the second half of 2009, making it the longest recession since
World War II.
but that your efforts will actually hurt us.

Mr. President, I earlier asked you to put your job on the line, along with the jobs of all of the others shilling for this massive waste of money. I have seen nothing anywhere to suggest that you will hold yourself and the others following you down this yellow brick road accountable by doing what you're forcing us to do: believe in a massive, unnecessary waste of our precious financial resources that will put us into debt for the remainder of this century.

Frankly... I simply don't believe you.

Evidence is mounting that you don't have a clue. And now we have the democrat's own Budget Office backing my position and attacking yours.

So... who do we believe? You? Or them?

Gateway Pundit

Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

CBO Predicts Recession Will End in 2009 Without Stimulus

The Congressional Budget Office predicted that the current economic recession will end in the second half of 2009 without the trillion dollar stimulus.From The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2009 to 2019 (pdf):

CBO anticipates that the current recession, which started in December 2007, will last until the second half of 2009, making it the longest recession since World War II. (The longest such recessions otherwise, the 1973–1974 and 1981–1982 recessions, both lasted 16 months. If the current recession were to continue beyond midyear, it would last at least 19 months.) It could also be the deepest recession during the postwar period: By CBO’s estimates, economic output over the next two years will average 6.8 percent below its potential—that is, the level of output that would be produced if the economy’s resources were fully employed (see Figure 1)



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